Photo courtesy of Wayne Morris
Chelsea City Council meeting Oct. 7
The Chelsea City Council meets on Oct. 7.
Chelsea schools are receiving more money from the city thanks to the Nick Grant Program.
The council approved funds in the amount of $134,941.16 to go to all five Chelsea schools.
Mayor Tony Picklesimer thanked those who serve on the Nick Grant committee and that he appreciates their work.
“All five of our schools applied for grants, and this money comes directly from the 1 cent sales tax that was approved for our education fund,” Picklesimer said. “We are grateful we get the opportunity to help in this way.”
The city also accepted a payment of $30,000 for paving of roads from an action against Greenwich Insurance Company and will dismiss the city suit in circuit court with prejudice.
Four zoning ordinances were approved:
- Annexation by the Shelby County Board of Education for 10.3 acres at 10510 Highway 11on the back of Chelsea High School.
- Rezoning request from Denise Batson for 12.1 acres located at 54 Simmons Drive from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to E-1 (Single Family Estate).
- Annexation by William and Darlene Sharp for .89 acres at 263 Dorough Road, Columbiana.
- Annexation by David & Tonya Willingham for +/- .147 acres at 3085 Chelsea Ridge Trail. This will allow the developer to build a cul-de-sac at the end of Chelsea Ridge Trail to provide a good turn around place for fire trucks and other service trucks.
During the community forum, Emily Sims said that the Cloud library went live on Oct. 1. Patrons can log in with their library card and access e-books and audio books. Saturday, Oct. 10 will feature a Halloween show with Lew-E the Clown and Oct. 24 will feature a trick or treat for toddlers beginning at 4 p.m. with crafts stories and candy.
Fire Chief Joe Lee said lots of changes are going on at the fire department and he is very proud of how things are going.
“The guys all have great attitudes and I couldn’t ask to be associated with a better group,” he said. “We’ve been taking applications for a couple of weeks and the deadline is this Friday.”
Last Wednesday, the Shelby County Chamber gave out their public service award for firefighter of the year and the department honored former Chief Wayne Shirley with the honor.
“The guys got together and collected money and bought a small golden ax and had it engraved and presented it to his son,” Lee said. “It meant a lot that it came from the guys and I’m glad I got to be a part of it.”
Upcoming dates:
- Oct. 12: City hall will be closed for Columbus Day
- Oct. 19: Chelsea Counts. Help will be provided at the Chelsea Community Center from 9 a.m. to noon to help residents fill out their census with available computers.
- Oct. 20: Next city council meeting. Precouncil at 5 p.m. and council meeting at 6 p.m.